Even More #Maine

We seized the day today and drove out to Pemaquid Light House – and we loved it! The sun was out, the breezes were mild and there we not very many people! Triple WIN!!

We even were allowed to go into the Lighthouse part – with the light!! So fun!! Perfect view of the ocean too!!

The waves were so fun to watch – the surf was pretty rough!

Not sure if we have been here before or not, but we loved spending the time up here, just the two of us!

More #maine

Today we got up and saw the sun and the perfectly calm water and we knew what we had to do!!

We carried the kayaks down to the water and proceeded to seize the day!!

She might be a little confused about kayaks and bumper cars….

Hamilton even got a few minutes on the water!!


R & R Time in Maine

As a family we almost always trek up to Maine. It is our family’s place to rest and play and enjoy time together.

This year, Anna and I left before the rest of our gang, and we drove up. A few stops along the way, Mississippi to see my Aunt! North Carolina to see the Lewis family. And finally we arrived to the same house we have visited since 1997. The rest of my family will arrive in about 2 weeks, and my brother in law and family will be here in about 9 days!

This year is different in many ways. First, there are only three of us here right now. Leslie, my father in law, Anna and me. It is quiet and calm, well in my mind it is. In reality it is a bit crazy with the two dogs as well. The second difference. I have never been here with a dog.

The major difference though is the absence of Betsy. Her fingerprints are in every space of this house and not hearing her voice, knowing she’s in the house, is so very hard. Seeing her touches of love and thoughtfulness everywhere is hard. She was the glue. She did more than just hold us all together though, she drew us together. She planned food and fellowship and fun, and we all came.

I am so glad that we are all coming again this year. We will fill the house with laughter, and probably some tears too, but lots of voices in the coming days and probably lots of scrapping dogs as well. I am glad though because she would not have wanted it any other way. She would want us together, on top of one another. Laughing with a beer here, a cocktail there and some ice tea as well. Hors d’oeuvres of cheese and pepper jelly, made by her in the past, and maybe even some clam dip. Marshmallow roasting, fires, and kayaking. All these things she would smile and savor, and I hope that we all do a lot of that these next few weeks.

Family is everything. Making memories, and doing life together is my favorite and while Betsy is not here making more memories, I am so very thankful for a head and heart full of memories from the past 23 years!

Maine : Reunion

Every year, rain or shine, the Redmond family gathers at Worthly Pond the same weekend.  Many years we have been in Maine for said reunion, but many years we miss it too.  Last year we missed, 2016 the kids and I went, 2015 Jacob and Robert went.  So this year we were excited to get to go as a family!!  Unfortunately it rained, but that does not stop the Redmonds from having fun!!
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Worthly Pond is a typical Maine lake : dreamy!!  The kids could not wait any longer and despite sprinkles, they went swimming!!  I was enjoying some catching up with Betsy’s cousins and their latest adventures, but I did grab a few pics of the adventurous swimmers!!

Before too much longer I did manage to get my suit on and go swimming too!  The water was chilly but really lovely.  I got to play a bit with Betsy and Anna before Bob got out the boat for even more fun!  About this time the sun came out and we were all thrilled!!

Robert got a tour of the lake by Bob, and then it was tubing time!  My kids got to go first, because we were the “company” and did not live there to do this all the time!  They had a blast, can you tell?

All in all, it was a perfect reunion day seeing family, eating good food and having lots of fun!!  We hope to make it back again, soon!!